Random observations I've had during my daughter's first 79 days (Part One):
- I'm pretty certain that her bodily fluids consist primarily of urine and saliva, mainly saliva. She drools more than my labrador.
- Speaking of bodily functions, she humbles me with farts. How many and how loud. Once they begin to smell, I won't be nearly as amused, however.
- Amazed how much a baby can transform between the first six weeks or so and the next six weeks - in all facets. Physically, she barely looks the same, and she's formed a personality to the point where she's most certainly gone from "the baby" to "Kya."
- Even more amazed by that personality. At a time in my life when it seems all areas of life have found a way to bog me down and stress me out, she is actually not one of them! I'm not sure I've ever met someone - baby, adult, or in between - that is so laid back, content, and unphased by most things around her. I'm raising a stoner baby!
- Enjoying the progress of our unspoken communication. Reminds me a bit of Dances With Wolves. I pretty much have the signals down now for "feed me" and "hold me."
- Also enjoying the spoken communication. The first time it seemed she even slightly mimicked something I did, I felt similar to how I presume Edison or Bell felt during a successful phase of their own discoveries.
- However, unlike the former two, "change me" is more of a (reluctant) feel test.
- On that note, it astounds me at times what can come out of this girl when all she drinks is formula.
- And who figures out what to put in formula? My sister is convinced we spike ours with sedatives because of how she passes out right after each feeding. I call it her "formula coma."
- For the last couple weeks now, I've played the role of Mr. Mom, as Missy went back to work. You'd think for someone who sleeps more than she's awake, doesn't talk, and can't move around, it wouldn't be too time consuming. Even now, I'm not sure what exactly takes up most of the time - perhaps just the anticipation of caring for a need. All I know is that it's not as glamorous as Michael Keaton made it out to be.
- That said, it's far more rewarding than I thought it would be. Normally, I'd have to hear about second-hand highlights instead of witnessing landmarks firsthand. Like being the first to make her laugh.
- Didn't realize how addicting that laugh would be, as well as her cooing and the way she molds into me when I hold her or let her rest on my chest. It's as if I'm desperate to get a "fix" when I continue to do whatever I did to get her to do those things.
- More things I didn't expect: That I'd resort to making the "baby noises" and goofball faces that I always made fun of others for doing. However, if that's what's going to make her coo and laugh, I'm all in.
- Always realized the following: how much more I'd admire my wife by how she cares for - cares about - our girl.
- Even more impressed by witnessing those same characteristics from my stepdaughter Jenna. She's made this transition infinitely easier for us all.
- What's also impressive is how she's able to bring us all closer together, providing us a shared hobby, if you will. Missy and Jenna hate sports, I'm not fond of most reality shows or cooking recipes, but if the topic is Kya, we're always on the same page.
- I'm even impressed with myself. For the first couple weeks, I held her as if she was radioactive. There's definitely a comfort zone now with not just her, but other babies as well.
- I'll be away for business-type stuff starting tomorrow for eight days and I'm already anticipating how much I'm going to miss her. Thank goodness for modern technology.
- Speaking of, I've taken more photos in the past three months than I've taken in perhaps the previous three years combined.
- I've realized these photos are a cheap but foolproof way to stock up on Facebook "likes."
- Somehow, her existence seems to make others see me in a more positive light. She's like the the ultimate wingman!
- And somehow her existence keeps me focused on overcoming every tough obstacle in my way and ensuring that the hardships of life will never again have the upperhand on me. She's like the ultimate anti-depressant!