Friday, November 9, 2012

Things I've learned/things I hope to teach...

Things I’ve learned from my seven-month-old daughter:

-          Once the crying is done, waste no time becoming happy again.

-          It’s okay to be vulnerable and dependent around the ones who love you. Everyone can use a pick-me-up, be it literal or figurative.

-          Smiles are contagious.

-          It’s actually possible to make exercising fun. Especially if there’s a jumper or something else bouncy involved.
-      In fact, pretty much everything that moves or makes a noise can be amusing.
-          As long as there’s food, shelter, love, and I’m not sitting in crap, life is good and not much else matters.

-          You can fight it all you want, but sometimes a nap can make all the difference in a day.

-          And, when all else fails, just hit the bottle.

Things I hope my seven-month-old daughter will learn from me:

-          You can never give or receive too many kisses and hugs.

-          Between 8:00-9:00 p.m. is bedtime. Resistance is futile.

-          If you’d like to negotiate this, you must first stay in bed until at least 7:00 a.m. Preferably later.

-          I am the only man you are ever allowed to flirt with.

-          It’s nice to have stuff, but it’s nicer to have love.
      (As it shows, I'm learning more from her than she is from me at this point. And I'm perfectly fine with that.)