Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The birds sing at night

At night, there are birds that still sing around my house. It can be 10 p.m. but in my backyard, it'll look and sound as if it was shortly before dawn.

Lately, I've been thinking about how symbolic this is regarding the current state of my life.

Shortly over a month ago, my life completely changed. Since then, I've struggled to function on a very minimal amount of sleep, shifted my priorities to focus on the needs of my newborn child, and attempted to make the transition not nearly as overwhelming for Missy.

And yet, the other night, I walked into the living room and watched my daughter lay sleeping on the stomach of my sleeping wife. Suddenly, all of those aforementioned issues seemed to melt away.

Since Kya's birth, I've felt increasingly weighted down by the financial burdens, too. This past week was especially stressful, as we received the damages from both the hospital (and just think if Kya was actually born there!) as well as our tax returns. I've attempted to revise our budget expenses, which is nearly impossible to predict with Missy currently not working, me on straight commission, and a child who seems to regularly consume her weight in formula. Each day, the mountain of debt continues to grow.

And yet, yesterday, I made Kya coo and smile at me. Suddenly, the price of my debt seemed worth every penny.

As I continue to embrace this new phase of life which has granted me a new life to look out for, searching for daylight seems to be a daunting task at times. Yet, just when things seem to be at its darkest, I see the beauty in the little things, like watching a mother and daughter form a bond early on, or learning what it takes to make a baby smile.

And just then, the birds begin to sing again.

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